Staytus Web Design
Case Study
Staytus is an online travel platform allowing users to search and book hotel accommodations, checkout for their stay, and view any current promotional offerings.
Project Overview
For this project I was tasked with designing a travel accommodations website that gave users the ability to search and book rooms, view current promotions, and pay for their stay. This project took me approximately 8 weeks and allowed me to continue to work on several skills including UX/UI design, UX research, and branding.
UX/UI Design, UX Research, Branding
8 Weeks
Figma, Google Docs
Project Goals
Design a user friendly platform that customers can use to search, book, and check-in for hotel stays.
Discover the user processes behind booking accommodations for travel.
Consider design options for how to integrate real-time notifications into the platform without requiring users to install a mobile app.
● Explore the processes a user goes through when booking travel accomodations.
● Research competitors and gain a better understanding of the travel booking site industry as a whole.
● Learn about the experiences different users have had when booking travel accommodations.
I personally have not used a third-party travel booking site and therefore knew I would have to be thorough with my research. I began the research process by setting some goals for the research.
They were as follows:
Research Plan
With these clear-cut goals set, I started to conduct some secondary research.
I started by exploring the history of third-party travel booking itself. I then shifted my research to explore similar third-party booking sites and the processes their users go through when booking accommodations. A brief summary of the research into other third-party sites can be seen below.
Secondary Research
Expedia is an online travel booking platform, enabling users to book flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages.
Kayak serves as both a travel search engine and online agency, aiding users in finding and comparing prices for flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages across various travel websites. provides a comprehensive online travel agency platform, allowing users to seamlessly book hotels, accommodations, flights, and rental cars with a wide range of options. functions as an online travel agency, facilitating hotel bookings and offering a diverse array of accommodations for users worldwide.
Airbnb operates as an online marketplace, connecting individuals who wish to rent out their properties or spare rooms with travelers, offering a unique and personalized alternative to traditional accommodations.
Vrbo, or Vacation Rentals by Owner, is an online marketplace connecting property owners with travelers seeking vacation rental accommodations
User Interviews
With my secondary research complete I felt ready to begin the process of interviewing users.
I wanted these interviews to be more like a conversation and therefore I let the user control the interview with minimal prompting. I conducted interviews with three participants total. After my interviews I listened to the recordings of the interviews and made summaries of key insights for each interview.
Overall a few key findings really stood out to me. The first thing I noticed was that it caused users undue stress when they would receive a confirmation from the booking site, but then would not receive another confirmation from the airline or hotel directly. Another thing that stood out to me was that users had a preference towards an excess of detail when booking their accommodations. The last big insight I pulled from my interviews was that despite the hard work that goes into trip planning, not all users want to trade autonomy for ease of booking.
After conducting interviews I was starting to feel like I had a much better understanding of third-party booking sites and the experiences of the individuals using them.
To better empathize with my users I built two fictional personas which explore the different needs of my users.
User Personas
These personas, Joshua and Daniel, helped me put a face and personality to the problems I am trying to solve with my design.
Along with these personas, I also put together some “How Might We?” questions and “Point-of-View” statements to continue to help me better empathize with the user and focus this project on satisfying user needs.
POV’s and HMW’s
Once I had completed my POV’s and HMW’s the project felt like it was finally starting to take form in front of me.
I put together a user flow and task flow for the process a user would take when booking accommodations on Staytus’ site.
User Flow & Task Flow
Once I had put together these flows, it was time to begin building a brand identity for Staytus. I designed a logo which paid homage to the concept of “having a roof over your head” and put a roof over the brand's name in the logo.
For the brand's color palette I wanted to go with something calming and modern. With this in mind, I chose several different shades of blue to accent the design of the site. Finally, for the typography I wanted to go with something modern and readable. I chose the font “Oswald” for it’s modern style. After receiving feedback that the design could benefit from improved readability of the body text, I changed the font of the body paragraphs to “Open Sans” for better spacing and improved readability.
Once I had a sense of the brand identity for Staytus, I began to sketch out some of the screens I was considering for the design. After spending a few hours sketching the screens in different ways, I moved to Figma to build digital wireframes of the screens.
I first began by putting text blocks and image blocks on the page and determining the ideal spacing for the pages content. I then filled in these text blocks with the necessary text and added more detail to each page. Once I had gotten feedback on these wireframes I started to apply my color palette to the site. Ultimately the blue palette I had chosen worked well with the site's design, but did require some minor adjustments to darken some of the lighter shades.
Low-Fidelity Wireframes
Tablet Wireframes
High-Fidelity Wireframes
Tablet Wireframes
Prototyping and Testing
Usability Testing
After spending a lot time on the design aspect of the project, I was excited to finally begin the prototyping and testing process. I used figma to build my prototypes and ended up adding a few screens to test the search fields of the site more realistically. Once I had my prototype together I made a plan for Usability Testing. I had two tasks I wanted users to accomplish and set goals for the testing process. I tested the prototype on four participants total, each of which pointed out important errors in the design and offered vital feedback.
For the first task, the most obvious issue was with the search fields. I had initially forgotten to include a button to close the search field unless users had made a selection in the field. Therefore 2 out of 4 users experienced an issue with this. To fix this, buttons were added and adjusted to give the users the ability to close the calendar tab, as well as advance the calendar to the next two months.
Another issue that came up during user testing was a design error in the “adults/children” search field. After increasing the number of adults to three in the field, the field would still show users were searching for two adults. This was thankfully an easy fix and just required the adjustment of a design error.
With the second task, users were having difficulty advancing to the hotel listing. Users were either clicking the hotel name or listing image to advance. I considered adjusting the “More Details” button to improve visibility. I decided for the purposes of maintaining the consistency of the buttons across the design, I would add the ability to advance to the listing by clicking the listing image or hotel name.
If further testing shows users are still having issues getting to the listing details, the overall design and visibility of the buttons across the site should be reconsidered.
Final Results and Next Steps
By the end of this project I was extremely satisfied with the product I had designed. Throughout this project, each step of the process continued to exercise my design abilities. Specifically, I noticed myself continuing to push my design skills throughout the wireframing process. After researching competitor sites and studying their designs, I came to realize many booking websites had outdated designs. With this, I knew I would have to incorporate aspects of the standard booking site design while also adding a modern approach to the overall UI of the site. This process allowed me to work on my design skills heavily during this project. If I had more time to continue to work on this project, I would like to retest my wireframes again with a different set of users. This may give me more insights on the product overall, allowing me to continue to push the design further. I would also like to specifically test more screens with different button styles, allowing me to increase button visibility. Finally I would like to have more time to test the calendar window and determine the most useful way to present the search field.